Our Philosophy

Conventional teacher-centric education has crippled the progress of students because of the restrictions and passivity imposed on them. Students need to vent out their thoughts and feelings and thus it is imperative that we go in for an overdevelopment which can happen when children are given freedom to learn to perform to think.

Led by the Head of the Centre our Team has been working and propagating the egalitarian education, and to hone the creative potential of the students.


While everyone is familiar with IQ (Intelligent Quotient and EQ (Emotional Quotient)  but the need of the times is to include DQ (Digital Quotient) for the awareness and competence in tools and skills of the digital world, SQ (Social Quotient)  for establishing the social fabric  and relationship in a world which has increasingly lost connection. And CQ ( Consciousness and Creative Quotient)   to instill the mindful, reflective, deliberate qualities needed in today’s fast paced data driven world.

The above abilities are pertinent to face a meaningful life in an uncertain and challenging world. The five quotients sum up to the HQ (Happiness Quotient), which is a measure of a person’s physical and mental well being. HQ (Happiness Quotient) is the thrust of our entire teaching learning process at Regency Cambridge Early Year School, International Education. 


We foster changes for the betterment of global society by instilling humanity, compassion and kindness in our learners. We help our learners to imbibe the elements of research to make our learners dutiful, inclined to serve and to give back to society. They learn to think for themselves and find out information.